An ethical research paper is a theoretical piece of writing that focuses on numerous topics in the field of ethics. The research paper can depend on morality, social issues, and philosophies that elaborate on human communal behaviors, like utilitarianism and egoism. Coming up with a research paper follows on the original investigation of specific ethical topics, analysis of collected material, and explanation of the research answers to form inferences. Other requirements may emphasize the paper-like objective of discovering people’s opinions concerning specific moral subjects such as abortion. Here are step-by-step outlines that will help you to write the best quality ethical research paper. Writing is a tedious and time-consuming process during your study. Therefore, it is an essential part of the education process.
The first and significant component in the writing process involves determining what to write about concerning a subject. Therefore, selecting ethical research paper topic ideas is crucial in the writing process, though it can be difficult. A topic affords you an opportunity to write and a sense of attention that governs what you purpose to express via the paper. The topic you chose for your paper should illustrate the main idea for your research area. The governing principle in topic selection is passion. Select ethical research paper topics that are popular, interesting, and challenging. Selecting a research topic isn’t an easy job, even if you have ideas. The following list is the theme proposal examples of topics that you can use to come up with an excellent essay.
- Is it ethical for peacekeeping troops to kill
- Is mercy killing murder
- Choosing between a lucrative career and family life
- Does the rich have the right to trample on the less fortunate
- Should a woman decide to abort?
- Does changing your skin color mean you ate yourself
- Is development synonymous with moral decay in the society
- Does immoral behavior bring happiness
- How can obedience to the rule of law be unethical
- Circumstances that lead to choosing lesser evil for the greater good
- The thin line between censorship and security regulations
- Encouraging students to obey academic integrity principles
- Distinguishing and understand terrorists
- Donating body organs: Is it morally acceptable
- Is ascending to power through unethical means justified
- Are religious extremist suicide bombers criminals?
- Politics and church: The dividing line
- Are teens justified to consent for plastic surgery
- Reporting a friend or family member who commits a crime
- Reporting a clergy who commits a crime
- Are Africans justified to abandon their traditional beliefs and accept Christianity?
- Is it morally acceptable to disciple a child using corporal punishment
- Do nations who invaded Libya obligated to rebuilt damaged infrastructure
- Is compulsory education a form of torture to children
- Is it immoral to consume blood from other animals
- Is it ethical to allow children fatty foods which will, later on, lead to obesity
- Is prostitution morally good
- Should we consider race and ethnicity when hiring
- Should companies collate information about their customers
- Should we allow hunting as a form of entertainment
- Is limiting population ethical
- Should the government legalize prostitution
- Should we enshrine in law the right to commit suicide?
- Developed nations should provide shelter to refugees
- Owning vast tracks of land is morally wrong when there are squatters
- The right to die should be protected
- The ethics of private-public partnerships
- The government should allow executing robbery with violent criminals when there is no probability of rehabilitation
- We should pay professors more than football coaches.
Ethical research topics can get challenging when you don’t know exactly where to start. The above examples will guide you in writing an excellent essay.