PhD Dissertation

How to Choose a Great Dissertation Topic

If you are thinking of taking a doctoral program, you might have heard the word 'dissertation.' You might also have come across some people indicating how difficult it is. Well, we are not going to lie that it is a walk in the park, but you will find it fulfilling by doing everything right. And you know what? All the hard work will be rewarded when you are finally crowned with a doctorate degree. What an achievement! So, here are some details to help you in this journey.

What is a Dissertation?

The first thing you need to do right in a graduate school is understanding the dissertation meaning. What is the best dissertation definition? It is a piece of academic writing based on your original research and submitted as part of your doctoral degree program. It is the longest piece of writing that you will have ever done in your academic journey. The main components in a dissertation include:

  • Introduction
  • Literature review (also known as theoretical framework)
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion

How To Choose A Dissertation Topic

The first step, and we must mention, most difficult, when it comes to writing a dissertation, is picking a topic. Indeed, if a student chooses the wrong topic, the entire journey could turn into a serious nightmare. To get you started on the right note, consider checking for some great dissertation topics examples at TopicsBase. Topics Base lists different topics to help students, no matter their areas of study. You can also use the following tips to get the best dissertation topics:

  1. Use your professor’s suggestion. In most cases, professors provide their students with suggestions that they can use to identify top ideas for their dissertations. This can come in handy because they are more knowledgeable and understand the gaps that exist in the academic realms.
  2. Study some of the recent researches in your area of specialization. This can help you to understand perspectives that warrant further studies.
  3. Take a closer look at the burning issues and questions in your area of study. Using this method, it becomes easy to tailor your dissertation to crafting reliable solutions that can help the society.
  4. Take a closer look at recent discussions in top conferences in your area of study. Most of them bring out issues that you can focus on to identify great dissertation topics.

No matter the method you use. It is prudent to ensure you always identify a topic that is interesting to you.

  1. How Income Of A Big Company Is Affected By An Effective Audit
  2. How Income Tax influences Small Scale Businesses
  3. The Legislation Of Tax About The Freelance Market
  4. How Can the success of one's career be influenced by mentoring?
  5. How HR Policies Affect Job Satisfaction Of Employee
  6. Investigating The Price Fluctuations Of Real Estate
  7. The Reasoning Behind Trends in the Market Of Real Estate
  8. Public Administration Involvement In Relations To The Rights of Homeless People
  9. The Development Of The Political System Is Affected By Youth
  10. The Involvement Of Social Media and the Citizens in Public Administration
  11. The Violations Of Human Rights And Resolutions On The Level Of Government
  12. Effective Marketing Strategy In The Small Scale Business
  13. Novel Marketing Strategies Required By Social Media
  14. What is the relevance of Marketing Ethics in business
  15. How Profitable Is The Risk-Based Management To The Banking Area?
  16. The modern strategies for Individual Investment.
  17. How the Political Economy Process Is Affected By The Presence Of The Media
  18. The Effect of organized Factories In Third World Nations
  19. What are the Process Of Economic Forecasting And Its Impact On Business?
  20. Greece Economic Recession: Analysis, Reasons, And Results
  21. The Cost And Taxation of a Private System Of Healthcare
  22. The Impact Freelancing Have On The Modern Workforce
  23. The Relevance of Economic Strategies On Agriculture In Greece
  24. The Economy Of Modern Higher Education in the United States of America
  25. The Potential Global Economic Results Of Article 13
  26. What are the implications of taxation on Foreign Businesses?
  27. How Crowdfunding Platforms Is Related To The Global Economic System
  28. How the Increase In The Rate Of Hedge Funds Affect Economics
  29. What are the Effective Ways To Avoid Nurse's Burn Outs?
  30. Treatment Of Patients Suffering From Acute Pains
  31. The Application Of Animal Helpers In Occupational Therapy
  32. The Benefits Of Occupational Therapy For Patients Addicted To Substance Abuse
  33. Self-administering of Painkillers by Patient Suffering From Cardiovascular Diseases
  34. The Effectiveness Of Prevention Programs For Tuberculosis
  35. How Abstract Art Is Affected By Modern Technology