Theology is the study of God’s nature and religious beliefs. A lot of universities and seminaries teach theology as an academic discipline. While students study theology, they are often asked to research and write essays about some theology topics. According to what we’ve noticed, students find it challenging to get interesting theology research paper topics for their assignments. We aim to help students get interesting theology research paper topics by providing them with a list of the best theology research paper ideas. As you read on, you’ll find a list of theology research paper topics. Go through the list and choose topics that suit you best. We deliberately added both the popular and the unpopular theology topics to the list as a way to make students have many options. You won’t have to overthink before knowing what to write about any topic you choose below since all of them are easy enough for average students.
Best Theology Research Paper Topics
- Effects of the church in our society through the last century
- Why Buddhism in Japan can’t be compared to that of China
- Basic ideas and belief behind honor killings in some religion
- Differences between the parables in the Bible and fairy tales
- Impact of Buddhism in China and Japan
- Organization structures of the Buddhist in Thailand
- What are the beliefs of Buddhists?
- Why priests in some religions never get married
- Things that make Jesus Christ different from all other prophets in the Bible
- Is the Islamic religion in anyway way related to the Christian religion?
- What gave rise to mega-churches in some parts of the world
- Why abortions are not allowed and encouraged in Christianity
- Women reproductive rights in the Islamic religion
- The effects of homosexuality in the church
- The effects of Greek culture on Christian theology
- The beliefs of early Christians with their fellowship and encounter with Jesus
- The biblical account of how the world was created
- The reasons why women in some religion can’t become religious leaders
- Why does every religion have different concepts about creation?
- Sacred ceremonies in Christianity and how they originated
- Our ancestors and their spiritual beliefs
- The general impacts of religions on society
- Why scientific research and proofs often disagree with Christian theology
- The major reasons why most atheists believe that no deity exists
- Contribution of churches to our community
- Researches and study of the Old Testament
- What are the links and similarities between the two testaments of the Bible
- Differences in the mode of worship between the 20th century and the 21st century
- Why some terrorists use Islam as an excuse for killing people
- Are terrorists really as devoted to their religions and beliefs the way they prove they are?
- Does dispensation theology differ from covenant theology?
- What are the reasons behind the existence of churches?
- What are the rates at which churches grow in the 21st century?
- What success are the churches making in our present society?
- Why do we need to have basic knowledge and ideas of theology?
- How theology could be of help to our world
- How the idea of theology sprang up
- The reasons why Christian churches now dominate major continents of the world
- Is the Bible really a book written from the inspirations
- Who is God and how has he existed before the creation of the universe?
- How Islam promotes peace and harmony in society
- The religious beliefs of Muslims
- Religious conflicts in some parts of the world
- Apostasy and church growth
- Factors that cause religious division
- Factors that limit the growth of some religious beliefs
- What is the role of faith in religions
- What most religions say about virginity
- What most religions say about the devil
- The biblical account of creation vs. big bang theory
- Does any religion believe in evolution?
- A religious view of life
- The mode of prayer in various religions
- A religious view of reincarnation
- The role of meditation in some religion
- Is there another life after death?
- The essence of religion
- What the Bible says about the universe
- What is faith?
- The significance of the resurrection of Jesus
- What Islam teaches about homosexuality
- What most religions say about sin and holiness
- Why humans need to serve God