Technology is the use of scientific knowledge for solving practical problems. Technology has changed the way humans are living, and its impacts are everywhere. Although technology is helping humans to live a better life, its impacts are not always positive. While a layperson may not bother to know how technology affects him or her, a learned person constantly make attempts to know all the impacts of technology and persuade people to use it aright. Since students are among the learned people, they are also expected to find out the impacts of technology on people and persuade everyone around them to use technology in the right way. Students generally find it easy to investigate the impacts of technology, but they find it hard to persuade people about technology. We made some attempts to find out why students find it hard to persuade people, and we were able to discover the primary reason why students’ persuasions are not effective to their audience. It is hard for students to persuade their audience because the majority of them don’t use interesting topics that draw and retain the attention of the audience. We love helping students with suitable speech topics, and therefore we shall list some interesting technology persuasive speech topics below. Check out the topics and use the one that best matches the idea that you wish to persuade people about. We deliberately listed only the popular technology ideas so that students will quickly get familiar ideas to persuade people about.
- People should stop depending too much on computers and smartphones
- Desktop computers are outdated
- Computer games make children stupid
- Workers should utilize more digital tools at the workplace
- Internet needs to be censored
- Electronics make children lazy
- Everybody should use a smartphone
- Social media should not replace face to face interaction
- More people should take online classes
- Genetic testing has changed the way we tackle diseases
- There should be more technological advancements in the world today
- Every published book should be available in PDF format
- People should stop using technology to create problems
- Government should fund technology research
- Aged people should learn how to operate varieties of devices
- Digital learning should be promoted
- People should update themselves about advancement in technology
- All car owners should learn how to fix some minor faults that cars can develop
- Hybrid vehicles save energy
- Car manufacturers should put the environment into consideration while designing cars
- People should buy electric cars rather than cars that use fuel
- All kids should learn how to use computers
- Parents should allow their children to play video games
- Internet censorship is appropriate
- Robots are too expensive
- Parents should share genetic information with their children
- AI robots should be in every street
- Students in elementary schools should use computers at school
- Machines make people lazy
- People should reduce the quantity of genetically modified foods that they consume
- Search engines like Google and Yahoo are killing brain libraries
- Every Microsoft software should be free
- People should stop keeping their mobile phones underneath their pillow while they sleep at night
- Apple Music should be free
- School internet should be filtered
- Identity chips should be implanted under the skin of everybody
- Government should improve space programs
- Teens below 16 years of age should not use smartphones
- Drones should be used for both military and non-military purposes
- Television promotes violence in children
- Smart notebooks should replace paper
- It is ethical to create a disease-free child using technology
- Nanotechnology is paving new ways for humans
- Children should not be allowed to buy video games by themselves
- Internet gambling should have strong regulations
- Kids should stop playing violent video games
- E-books should not totally replace traditional books
- Cars that drive themselves are not ideal for busy roads
- Computer users should not stare at their computer screen for too long
- People should stop listening to music at high volume
- Smartphone addiction is bad
- Internet pop-up adverts are like spams to many Internet users
- Kids should not be allowed to use social media
- All social networks should have a two-step verification
- All social networks should have a means of verifying users’ Identity
- Every student should learn how to program
- Communication masts should not be located near people’s houses